Bloggy Bits
Harlan Ellison Helps Ed Bryant! Get their PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES and you can too!
Dec 23, 2012 [permalink]
Here's what's up. My friend, and multi-Nebula Award winning author, Ed Bryant, is in a bad predicament. Ed has has some severe (science-fiction-story-worthy) health problems, and now his old car has died, putting him a really bad way way financially.
To help Ed, my ReAnimus Press is republishing everything Ed has written, i.e. a -ton- of short stories, AND his co-authored novel with Harlan Ellison, PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES. It's based on Harlan's award-winning teleplay. It's a fun SF novel. (And what a making-of story behind it! Read Harlan's introduction to see what I mean.)
To help Ed the most expeditiously, we're starting with ebooks of all Ed's work, the first of which off the e-presses is PHOENIX WITHOUT ASHES. It's ready, so go grab it. We're also taking pre-orders RIGHT NOW on Ed's other books so we can get funds to Ed immediately. (Those other titles will be ready to download in early 2013.) Almost all the funds from this go directly to Ed, and to him right now.
You can help Ed out -- and get some really cool books -- by snagging copies of his work:
He writes great stories, science fiction and horror blends (much like Harlan does). You can't go wrong with any of his books. (The ISFDB at has info on what he's written.) His Nebula winning stories are "Stone" (found in the collection PARTICLE THEORY) and "giANTS" (found in WYOMING SUN and PARTICLE THEORY).
You can also make donations directly to a fund set up for Ed via , which was created for exactly this purpose. You can keep updated on this through the Friends of Ed Facebook page,
If you know Ed, you know he's a really great guy (and a great writer) who doesn't deserve any of this chaos Fate has dished out. Thanks for helping!
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